Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is a doula?
A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional & informational support to women before, during and after childbirth to facilitate the best possible birth experience. The word “doula” comes from a Greek word that means “woman’s servant”.
“World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends doulas attend all births globally. The WHO has developed a Safe Birth Checklist and doula support is included in that checklist.” — International Doula Institute
Are there proven benefits to having a doula?
Yes! Doulas absolutely make for significantly improved birth outcomes.
There are lots of really huge benefits that are proven by extensive research studies. I have a whole page on my website dedicated to highlighting the various benefits! Have a look at them here.
What does a doula do during my labour & delivery?
Whatever you may need me to do! Every labour is different & every woman is different — so there’s no one approach that “fits all”.
But here are just a few examples of the ways I might support:
Helping you find the most effective & comfortable positions to labour in
Assisting with comfort measures, like massaging your back, using acupressure & counter-pressure techniques etc.
Acting as a “soft barrier” between you, your partner & the medical staff. I liaise with them for you as someone who is completely across your birth wishes and knows you really well, so that you’re not having to constantly be interrupted when you need to be focusing on contractions.
I understand the medical terminology that’s thrown around, so I can relay & translate information to you in everyday language to ensure you completely understand your options at every moment of your birth.
I will also always advocate for you. I am big on team work, and I’m a very warm, gentle person who isn’t particularly confrontational. However I certainly do advocate for my clients. With so much obstetric violence and non-consentual procedures being performed, this is a big part of the care I provide you. This is always done in a way that is respectful, subtle and with utmost professionalism and sensitivity. I have amazing relationships with a lot of the local doctors and midwives, which is a big added bonus.
I coach you through each contraction, implementing powerful coping techniques like lots of breath work, visualisation etc.
Affirming & reassuring you constantly - helping you to maintain a calm focus and deep confidence
Give your partner tips as to how they can best support you so they’re not feeling helpless or overwhelmed
Organising any specific music/aromatherapy/lighting you’d like
Keep a general sense of calm and relaxation, really protecting your peace so you can focus and get in your zone
What about my partner’s support?
The support of partners is deeply valuable - and a doula’s job is not to take away from the significance of their support. Rather, I’m an extra pair of hands, trained and qualified to be part of your support team - which takes a lot of the pressure off your partner, and enables them be more present & relaxed throughout the birth. The goal I always bear in mind when working with couples, is to have the Dad more confident and more involved than they otherwise might’ve been. I seek to enhance the experience & make it more enjoyable for both Mama & her partner.
Doesn’t my midwife do all this?
No, midwives offer relatively limited support when it comes to coping strategies and emotional/mental support. This is because their first priority is medical. Their focus is the safety of Mama and baby. They also typically have multiple women they’re looking after simultaneously, so they’re having to move from room to room, leaving them unable to offer constant/undivided attention & support. The time they do spend with you is typically largely taken up by the clinical side of things, rather than necessarily coaching you through labour. This is where the work of a doula is deeply valuable and why studies show it makes a huge difference!
Do you serve women at hospital and home births?
Yes, absolutely.
The support of a doula is hugely beneficial no matter where you choose to give birth.
I can’t afford to pay upfront. Do I have other options?
Yes! We can discuss some payment options in detail during our consultation so we can come up with a plan that suits you.
I am very close to giving birth - am I too late?
Not at all.
I can meet with you once prior to your birth (if time allows, otherwise we can do a phone consultation) to get to know you & your unique feelings & wishes around birth.
Even if you’ve already given birth - as a certified birth & postpartum doula I can even offer support just in your postpartum period if that’s more suitable.
Other questions?
Get in touch with me and let’s connect. I’ll warmly welcome your call or email.