Giving Back

  • My Theresa Da Silva Initiative

    Every year I gift $3,500 worth of services & recourses to a mother who needs it.

    I started this initiative in honour of a woman who is very close to my heart, and one who is greatly inspiring. My Nana, Theresa Da Silva.

    For years she single handedly raised all her children, and worked hard to put a roof over their heads & food on their tables. She didn’t have much, but all she had, she selflessly gave to her children.

    My Nana is one of the most loving, beautiful women I’ve had the privilege of knowing. She is the last person who deserved to endure such hardship. And in honour of her, and in celebration of her strength & resilience, I want to give back to mothers who are struggling like she struggled all those years ago.

    If that may be you, or someone you know, please be brave & contact me. I’ll warmly welcome your enquiry. Let me try lighten your load a little. It really would be my joy & honour to serve you.

  • My Partnership with Compassion Australia

    It genuinely means a great deal to me knowing that my work looking after mothers here in Australia, also results in me supporting other mothers from all over the world.

    For every mother that books in with me - I donate $350 to Compassion Australia in the form of their “start of life bundles”, and their “baby essentials kits” in support of their work with mothers and babies living in poverty.

    The “start of life bundles” fund medical care for safe labours and deliveries for Mama’s, so that they & their babies are protected, giving them better, healthier starts.

    The Baby Essentials Kits go the extra mile and cover some vital supplies that Mothers will need to care for themselves & their babies in the postpartum period. It includes things like nappies, blankets, soaps, towels and lotions, that these mothers need but can’t afford.

    Investing in your birth through Guardian Doula, means you’re also directly investing in someone else’s across the globe. That’s something beautiful & special if you ask me!